Use our fill in PDF form (downloadable above) , simply fill it in, save , and attach the PDF and email it back to us.
1) Go to Our Website at (you are here;)
2) Click on the ORDER FORM tab. (You are here already;)
3) Click on the PDF icon above (this takes you to the new order form, where you can fill in the information)
4) Fill in the information that will be the same every time you order(address, Phone# , etc.)
5) Save this form in a convenient place on your computer, with a name such as “Hillside Signs order Form” (this will be your template for future orders) 😊
6) Use this form when you are ready to order, filling in the variable, necessary information. Then, save it under a different name, such as “ badge order Dec 20”
7) Attach this file to an email when you are ready to place your order😊
If your print does not fit on the order form spaces, it won't fit on that line of the badge. If it cuts off your line....You will need to abbreviate or make another line of print. Remember, less is more on a badge, for readability:)
Hillside Signs North Pitcher, NY 13124 Email: Phone: 1 (315) 653 - 0025 M-F 9-3 Closed all Federal Holidays and weekends